Log Truck Flips in Montgomery County
A log truck flipped in a single-vehicle accident in Montgomery County on Wednesday, February 5, while trying to avoid a collision with a debris removal truck.
William Lemley, 44, of Cochran, was driving a log truck southbound towards Mount Vernon on GA Highway 56 (U.S. Hwy 221 N) on Wednesday afternoon, February 5, near mile marker 22 when he narrowly avoided colliding with a debris removal truck, which was completely blocking the southbound lane as debris removal personnel worked in the west ditch.
The debris removal workers had no warning sign that the southbound lane was temporarily closed or that a flagger would be directing traffic ahead; the only sign that was found during the Georgia State Patrol’s investigation of the incident was placed 25 feet from the back of the debris truck. The flagger directing traffic was 15 feet from the back of the debris truck, and was unable to be seen because of standing in an area shaded by the truck and trees.
Lemley told Troopers that his phone “dinged” with a notification as he drove, and he looked at it but never touched it. Upon looking back at the road, Lemley discovered the debris truck in front of him, and quickly steered left to avoid hitting the vehicle or workers. Lemley then lost control of the truck, which ran into the east ditch and flipped, bringing the vehicle to a final uncontrolled rest on its left side, facing south.
No one was injured in the accident. After probing the crash, the Georgia State Patrol cited Lemley with a ticket for distracted driving.
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