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Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind

Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.

“What’s up with our Vidalia Senator

Blake Tillery not supporting Gov. Kemp’s tort reform package and choosing to support his lawyer friends?”

“I will not go back in to Taco Bell. These people have no respect for you and will not wait on you.”

“A special thank you to all the children who addressed their Christmas letters to Jesus instead of Santa Claus. It is Jesus who knows when you are sleeping and knows when you’re awake.Keep on recognizing Jesus as your Helper, Hero and Savior.”

“I was coming into Lyons and looking at the new court house. It looks so gorgeous at night, the lights look good on it. Makes you think you are coming in to a big city. Very nice.”

“We need to see if Elon Musk and DOGE can come and look into the books for the city because we sure need them.”

“I need some clarification from the city of Vidalia and whoever their trash pickup provider is. Do you put the trash can in the road or at the curb? At the curb would seem more likely, but I keep seeing more and more people put them in the road.”

“When is the city of Vidalia going to clean up the corner of Church St. and 280 W? All those signs look terrible. Come on, city of Vidalia, clean it up.”

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