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Mt. Vernon Garden Club Celebrates Valentine’s Day

Mt. Vernon Garden Club  Celebrates Valentine’s Day
FEBRUARY MEETING – The Mt. Vernon Garden Club celebrated Valentine’s Day during their meeting on February 11, where they discussed the flowers of the month, had a devotion, and learned more about the Montgomery County School System.
Mt. Vernon Garden Club  Celebrates Valentine’s Day
FEBRUARY MEETING – The Mt. Vernon Garden Club celebrated Valentine’s Day during their meeting on February 11, where they discussed the flowers of the month, had a devotion, and learned more about the Montgomery County School System.

The Mt. Vernon Garden Club celebrated Valentine’s Day on their meeting in the student center of Brewton-Parker College on Tuesday, February 11, where they discussed the flower for February and learned about the local school system from Montgomery County Schools Superintendent Ronda Hightower.

The tables in the garden room were decorated with hearts and flowers in celebration of Valentine's Day. Hostesses for the month were Betty Braddy and Linda Page.

The flower for February is not the rose as one might think — it is the violet!

Garden Club Member Susan Beard offered a devotional citing Colossians 2:2 that we may be encouraged in heart and united in love.

Following the buffet luncheon, Club President Linda Page introduced the guest speaker Ronda Hightower, Superintendent of Montgomery County Schools. Dr. Hightower gave an informative presentation concerning student success. There are 957 students in Montgomery County Schools. Some of the students are dually enrolled, taking college courses along with their high school classes. One of the programs is called Georgia FLEX, which teaches the student how to run a business.

The most important thing that Dr. Hightower stressed though is that the students need to be able to read on level by third grade. This is so important in the students' development. The whole community needs to be involved in order for this to be accomplished. Hopefully, a bus is going to get started again soon that takes books around the county.

A business meeting followed with various committees giving their reports. The next meeting will be March 11.

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