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Week Seven Under the Gold Dome

Week Seven Under the Gold Dome Week Seven Under the Gold Dome

Twenty-five days down and 15 to go! Crossover Day is coming fast — that’s the deadline for bills to pass their original chamber to stay in play this session. This week and next will be busy as legislators and organizations work to get their bills out in time for 2025.

This week, we passed HB 67, the Senate’s version of the 2025 amended budget. In addition to funding the state through June 30, 2025, this document includes tax refunds of $250 for single filers, $375 for heads of households and $500 for married couples. It also included $50 million for school security grants — bringing that total to almost $70,000 per school — and investments in Pre-K teachers.

Hurricane Helene Recovery

Many families in our area still have blue tarps on their roofs five months after the storm. The Senate budget includes: • $50 million for emergency relief- covering debris removal, housing and storm protection • $50 million for farmers and timber producers—bringing total farm aid to $300 million • $25 million to support storm victims who don’t fall into the above for nonprofits helping storm victims • $15.6 million to support rural hospitals

Cutting Red Tape & Protecting Small Businesses (SB 28)

We passed SB 28, the “Red Tape Rollback Act,” to eliminate unnecessary government regulations that hurt small businesses, farmers and job creators. Over the years, state agencies have piled on layers of rules that make it harder to run a business. This bill requires a small business impact review on new regulations and an economic impact study on any rule costing the state over $1 million in five years. It ensures Georgia stays a low-tax, businessfriendly state that encourages hard work and entrepreneurship. Cracking Down on Fentanyl (SB 79)

Fentanyl is destroying families across Georgia. It’s not just another drug — it’s a lethal poison. We passed SB 79, the “FEAR Act,” to increase penalties on fentanyl traffickers. This builds on Austin’s Law, which strengthened fentanyl distribution penalties last year. SB 79 goes even further by closing loopholes and making it easier to prosecute those who sell and manufacture this deadly substance. Our goal is simple: protect Georgia families and get fentanyl off our streets.

Expanding Drug Abuse Treatment (SB 226) I also introduced SB 226 to expand treatment options for addiction. It classifies alcohol as a drug, which means more Georgians struggling with alcoholism will qualify for state treatment and education programs. This is about helping families and saving lives. Stopping Special Interest Tax Credits (SR 309) I filed a proposal for a new constitutional amendment that would require a 67% or 2/3 vote of the General Assembly to enact any new special interest tax break. Right now, these can be enacted with a 50% vote. We have to stop passing special interest tax breaks and focus instead on reducing taxes for everyone.

As we push through the second half of the session, please reach out anytime with questions, concerns or ideas. Whether it’s about tax relief, storm recovery or public safety, I want to hear from you. Your voice matters, and together, we’ll keep Georgia strong.

Sen. Blake Tillery serves as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations. He represents the 19th Senate District, which includes Appling, Bacon, Jeff Davis, Long, Montgomery, Telfair, Toombs, Wayne and Wheeler counties, as well as a portion of Coffee County. He can be reached at 404.656.5038 or by email at

By Sen. Blake Tillery (R-Vidalia)

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