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Wheeler Wraps Up the Show Season in Perry

Wheeler Wraps Up the  Show Season in Perry
Zoey Vann with her class winning gilt.
Wheeler Wraps Up the  Show Season in Perry
Zoey Vann with her class winning gilt.

Courtesy of Wheeler County Schools

On Wednesday, February 19, 2025, members of the Wheeler County hog show team traveled to Perry to the GA National Fairgrounds for the State Market Hog Show. There were 7 students and 13 pigs with the team. They set up their pens, weighed in, washed the pigs and prepared for the show and the cold weather.

Showmanship began first thing Thursday morning with seniors and went down through 9th grade. Then it jumped to 3rd grade and went back up through 8th grade. Clay Ryals placed 9th in 5th grade showmanship.

The barrow show began Friday morning with purebreds. Kaitlyn Morgan, a first-year showman, placed 5th in class 4 with her Duroc barrow. Zoey Vann also showed a Duroc barrow in class 4, and she finished 2nd. Zoey’s sister, Layla, placed 10th in class 5 with her Duroc barrow and 3rd in class 15 with her crossbred barrow. In class 20, Jaxson Derriso finished 6th place with his crossbred and Clay Ryals finished out the day placing 9th in class 22.

In the gilt show on Saturday, Keaton Pickle placed 8th in class 3 with his Berkshire gilt. In class 5, Anna Beth Ethredge finished 3rd with her Duroc. Zoey Vann won class 15 with her crossbred gilt and went on to finish third in her division. Anna Beth Ethredge showed in class 42 where her crossbred gilt placed 7th.

The students purchased their pigs back in October and November, and they have taken care of them and kept records on them all season. Showing livestock takes a lot of hard work and dedication. “We are so proud of our students’ successes this season. We appreciate the community and parental support as well as the support from our agriculture teachers, Bryant Oliver, Les Bateson, and Hannah Snively, and 4-H advisor, Nicole Thornton,” stated school officials.

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