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BPC’s Seminary, TBTS, Launches Two New Degrees

Courtesy of Brewton-Parker College

Brewton-Parker College (BPC) announces two new master's degree programs for Temple Baptist Theological Seminary (TBTS), a Master of Arts in Biblical Proclamation (MABP) and a Master of Arts in Worship Ministry (MAWM). These new degree programs will provide quality training and preparation for ministry, focusing on biblical preaching, teaching, and worship ministry.

The Master of Arts in Biblical Proclamation is a 36-credit-hour program providing students with a biblical and theological framework that equips students for effective preaching or teaching within the church. The program will equip pastors, ministers, and laypersons with historical, theological, and interpretive knowledge of Scripture, along with an understanding of church administration and growth.

Dr. Mark Gregory commented, 'The MABP provides another tool for persons who want to develop the art of communicating God's Word more effectively. This degree program combines Old and New Testament insights concerning the efficacy and nature of the inerrant scriptures with a focus on the praxis of sermon and textual delivery.'

The Master of Arts in Worship Ministry degree is a 33-credit-hour program designed for worship ministers seeking to pursue a master's degree in their field. This program combines academic study with practical application, covering various topics, including the history of Christian worship, the preparation and presentation of various elements of contemporary worship, and the development of ministry formation and worship discipleship skills. Additionally, the program addresses practical aspects of church ministry, theologies of Christian worship, and the essential components of the creative process in Christian songwriting.

Adjunct Professor Russ Lee, the lead singer of the contemporary Christian group Newsong, commented, 'Music is a language of the heart. Worship is the desire of every heart. Songwriting for Worship will help us give expression to this desire toward the God who is worthy of our praise.' Professor Lee is officially leading the first class in songwriting for worship starting January 2025.

Special scholarships are available for Southern Baptists who are training for vocational ministry, as well as TTU and BPC alumni. For more information about the seminary or to apply, please visit https://temple.bpc. edu.

Brewton-Parker College is the only accredited four-year Christian college south of Macon and north of Jacksonville, FL. As a comprehensive Georgia Baptist institution, Brewton-Parker College provides liberal arts and professional programs in a learning community of shared Christian values. Through the application of biblical truth in scholarship and a co-curricular focus on character, servant leadership, and cultural engagement, the college strives to provide a transformational experience that equips the whole student for lifelong learning and service in Christ.

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