SPLOST Election in MoCo on Tuesday

Montgomery County Voters will have the chance to cast their ballots on the county’s Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) renewal on Tuesday, March 18.
The one-cent sales tax has been in place in Montgomery County since 2002, and allows a one-cent tax to be collected on goods and services sold within the community so that everyone may contribute to funding education, alleviating some of the tax burden from property owners within the county. This one-cent tax is collected on any items or services bought or even delivered to locations within Montgomery County.
The funding from the tax may only be used for capital projects, such as buildings, buses, continued from page
technology, and furnishings for the campuses, or for school safety and security measures. Montgomery County Schools has received funding through SPLOST since 2002 and has capitalized on this money to help provide several needed items and upgrades to the school, including: e construction of the new Montgomery County Middle/High School, which has no lingering debt e update of athletic facility lighting e purchase of new buses with air conditioning and security cameras e repair of several facility roofs e renovations of Brogdon Field e purchase of a new softball field scoreboard e purchase of class –
room cameras e purchase of band equipment e replacement and repair of numerous outdated HVAC units e purchase of new
chromebooks e update of exterior lighting on campus e upgrade of com –
puter network servers e improvement of sidewalks on campus
e purchase of new playground equipment e purchase of a band trailer e update of class –
room technology e upgrade of the Montgomery County Elementary School sign Since adding the tax onto online purchases that are shipped to the County, the Montgomery County School System receives an average of $1 million per year in funding from this source.
Early voting on the issue began on Monday, February 24, and will continue daily from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the Montgomery County Government Annex, located at 251 S. Richardson Street in Mount Vernon; the last day to vote early is Friday, March 14.
On Tuesday, March 18, voting will be held from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. at three county polling locations, which are Higgston Baptist Church (512 James Street in Higgston), Uvalda Community Center (830 W Main St. in Uvalda), and the Montgomery County Government Annex. To find out their designated polling precinct, voters should visit the My Voter Page website (mvp.sos.ga.gov) or call the Montgomery County Board of Elections and Registration at (912) 583-2580.