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VHS Named 2025 AP Honor School in 2 Categories

Courtesy of Vidalia High School

Vidalia High School continued to show its “Relentless Pursuit of Excellence,” being named a 2025 AP Honor School in two categories. The announcement was made Friday by the State Board of Education, which awarded VHS both an AP Honor School Challenge School Designation and an AP Expansion School Designation.

“Georgia's 2025 AP Honor Schools exemplify our commitment to providing students with rigorous, high-quality educational opportunities that prepare them for success beyond high school,” State Superintendent Richard Woods said. “I commend these schools for their dedication to academic excellence and equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in college, careers, and life.”

The 2025 AP Honor Schools are named in eight categories based on the results of 2024 AP courses and exams. AP exams are administered by the College Board, which also administers the SAT. AP courses are one of several ways Georgia students can access collegelevel learning at the high school level; students who receive a 3, 4, or 5 on an AP exam may receive college credit. The Georgia Department of Education began recognizing AP Honor Schools in 2008. The AP Challenge School designation goes to schools with enrollments of 900 or fewer students, with exams being administered in English, math, science, and social studies, and with a minimum of 25 total exams administered.

The AP Expansion School designation goes to AP schools with a 25% growth in AP student participation from May 2023 to May 2024 and a minimum of 25 students testing in May 2023.

“At Vidalia High School, our mantra is to relentlessly pursue excellence,” said Vidalia High School Interim Principal Steve Freenor. “Being named an AP Honor Challenge School and an AP Honor Expansion School is a testament to the hard work and commitment of our teachers, students, and counselors. Their dedication ensures that our students have access to a rigorous curriculum, preparing them for success in college and beyond.”

I am incredibly proud that Vidalia High School has been recognized by the Georgia Department of Education as both an Advanced Placement (AP) Honor Challenge School and an AP Honor Expansion School,” said Vidalia City School Superintendent Dr. Sandy Reid. “These honors highlight the dedication of our students, administrators, teachers, and staff who relentlessly pursue excellence every day!”

“Expanding access to advanced coursework and ensuring that students rise to the challenge of collegelevel learning is no small task, and this recognition reflects the hard work happening in our classrooms every day. It takes a team— our educators who inspire, our students who rise to the occasion, and our community that supports them every step of the way,” Reid added.

“This is what makes Vidalia City Schools special,” Reid said. “This is what drives us forward. How Great Will We V? There is no limit—and I know we’ll continue to make Vidalia proud.”

Freenor said, “We are committed to fostering a culture of excellence, ensuring that every student is equipped with a competitive transcript that not only opens doors to top universities but also sets them up for success once on campus. Regardless of where they choose to attend—from East Georgia to Georgia Southern, Mercer, UGA, Georgia Tech, and even Princeton—we want them to thrive and become the leaders we know they are. We are proud that the College Board and the State of Georgia's Board of Education have taken a moment to recognize our efforts.”

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