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Movies and Oscars

Movies and Oscars
By Joe Phillips Dear Me
Movies and Oscars
By Joe Phillips Dear Me

So what?

There were 19.7 million viewers of the 2025 Academy Awards on television. I missed it. That number is a surprise considering that movie theaters are struggling.

A night out at the movies begins with steep ticket prices matched by sky high concession tabs.

It is less expensive to go to dinner before or after a movie since the price of a bag of popcorn has exploded, and the cost of soft drink flavored ice has slipped into the stratosphere.

According to an article in “Forbes” magazine, “A family of four with concessions routinely breaks the $100.00 barrier for a night out.”

Some theater chains created “membership clubs where a flat monthly fee gives subscribers the right to see multiple movies per week.”

SP Global, on their website, claimed that “cinema attendance has been challenged over the past decade as more and more titles have become accessible for athome viewing.”

Well, sure. If you are patient, films that were in theaters six months ago can be viewed on your television at home through your cable or streaming service.

SP Global also notes how the COVID- 19 pandemic affected film production and closed movie theaters. We remember how churches and theaters were closed, but bars, honky-tonks and strip joints remained open.

Many object to being preached to by celebrities promoting a cause from the Academy Awards stage.

Marlon Brando is recalled for refusing his Best Actor Oscar in 1973 for his role in “The Godfather.”

The film revived his stumbling career, but he protested how the movie industry depicted Native Americans. He sent “Scheen Littlefeather,” who wore a beaded buckskin dress and claimed to be an Apache, to read a statement declining the Oscar.

Miss Littlefeather was otherwise known to her parents and family as Maria Louise Cruz. The family claimed they had no Apache affiliation.

George C. Scott rejected his Best Actor Oscar for “Patton” but didn’t bore us with a tirade.

Katherine Hepburn was nominated for numerous awards and won four times but didn’t bother to show up. She seemed to be bored by the artificiality of Hollywood life and lived in Connecticut where life was real, I suppose.

Hollywood was far, far away to her in many ways.

This year there were statements to promote causes. Daryl Hannah took a dig at President Trump by yelling “Slava Ukraina,” whatever that means, and winner of the Best Actress Oscar paid tribute to those laboring away as sex workers. Oh, the humanity.

I don’t know that handing out Oscars is relevant today. Its all make-believe anyway.

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