Should the West Seek an Off-Ramp in Ukraine?
How does the war in Ukraine end? This is precisely the question no one is supposed to ask these days. The ...
No Nobel Prize for Literature again this year a bummer
I just learned that I have been passed over for the Nobel Prize for Literature once again. Bummer. And ...
The International Anti-Woke Backlash
This week, Italy prepared to welcome a new prime minister: 45-year-old Giorgia Meloni, leader of the ......
Fixin’ to try and explain Southern talk, y’all
I have met a number of folks recently who migrated from across the Mason-You-Know-What-Line and have settled ...
Some reflections on National Newspaper Week
I recall a BellSouth officers conference years ago where we spent several days wrestling with the problems ...
Forgetting 9/11
On the 21st anniversary of Sept. 11, President Joe Biden repeated the same tired nostru...