Of ‘Convicted Felons’ and Lying Frauds
Last week, a New York City jury, prompted by the legal coordination between Manhattan DA Alvin ......
Attention All Fathers: Your Day is Coming
I have been called a lot of things in my long life and not all of them flattering. A few years back, I ...
The Campaign of Delusion
Here are a few signs of a losing campaign: No. 1: Poll denial. No. 2: Inability to shift course. No. 3: C...
Main Street
Bob Seger’s “Main Street” played in the juke box of my mind as the Interstate morphed into state and cou...
Sharing an Opinion on Cong. Carter’s No Opinion Regarding Our Okefenokee
Dear Cong. Buddy Carter: Your appearance a couple of weeks ago before the Water, Wildlife and Fisherie...
There Is No ‘International Law’
One of the great qualities of the West is its belief in the directionality of history. Many ancient c......
Northern Lights
Free light show! Alabama friends sent pictures of their Northern Lights last week, attaching a note that ...
It’s Hard to be a Sore Loser in Georgia
The things you learn on this job. Someone called Promo-Guy who, as it turns out, isn’t a guy at all, but a c...
Joe Biden, Political Pinwheel
Joe Biden is not a person of principle or character. He is a lifelong politician who has spent decades sh...