Alamo City Council, Mayor Getting Raises
A salary increase for Alamo City Council members and the Mayor was approved during the Council’s session on February 22. Current salaries will be doubled-$ 200 a month for the council members and $600 a month for the mayor. This increase will not go into effect until the next election term.
In the Council’s January meeting, Councilwoman and Mayor Pro Tem, Patricia Woodard, proposed the development of a Strategic Planning Committee to aid the Council in the enhancement of Alamo City continued from page
Hall. There have been three applicants thus far, but the Council is hoping for an additional volunteer to serve. Applications are available at City Hall. The committee will meet weekly or biweekly to develop a plan of action as to how City Hall’s structural problems can best be resolved. The first meeting, a walk-through assessment of City Hall, will be held in the next two weeks.
Councilman Thomas Lott proposed the development of a sports bar in the city. However, since Alamo is a “dry city,” support from at least 35% of the city’s population is required, and only beer and wine could be served. The topic has been “tabled” as legal steps for developing a potential referendum are being considered.
Efforts to “beautify” the city continue as the Wheeler County Correctional facility is donating all the flowers and plants that will be used by the City Landscaping Committee. In the last week, flowers have been planted around City Hall. In January, Officer Ken Patel expressed before the council the police department’s dire need for an additional “full-time employee and a part-time employee.” In Monday’s meeting, the Council interviewed and hired two parttime police officers. With the resignation of the Chief of Police Roger Bryant, the Council will also be seeking his replacement.
In other updates, a fence around the recreation department’s new basketball court is currently under construction.