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In God’s sight men and women’s lives matters. We have donated to the breast cancer drive and we have supported the breast cancer awareness programs and helping to find a cure and so we need to also have a drive and awareness program about what is killing men right and left and that is prostate cancer because all lives matters. Amen! Not just minorities. Men and women boys and girls, red and yellow black and white all lives matters and Jesus died for all. He cares for all. He showsnopartiality. WhenIwasonly five years old children were dying with the worst pandemic and it was contagious small pox and because it was children they got and administered a vaccine very quickly and they did not have as much medical knowledge but they just used godly wisdom and common sense and the vaccine was made from the actual small pox and now with much more medical knowledge and because of dirty politics because of folks wanted to ride the free money wagon and because it is mostly and mainly killing old folks so they have been dragging around and still are and because of the superstition and ignorance of many they will drag this on until dooms day and while lives matter to God but souls matter more and because of this drag around and the stupidity of mankind I have not been able to preach to lost souls in prisons throughout Georgia and I am not talking about all this crazy mess on television about prisons but minimum security non violent prisons I preach in where the inmates for the most part just went the wrong way and bad parents did not raise them right. So if they got a brain in their head all will get the vaccinations up to 18 years old and all this masking tiny children ain’t nothing but a put on wanting to make it all look bad to think they are going to keep getting that free money. Well, it is gonna run out! You can bet grandma’s old corset on that! Buddy boy! All this about different strains of that virus. Well, there were different strains of the flu but you got one flu shot mainly. Also they need an agency created for being a germ warfare watch dog so this don’t happen again. Can you say amen?


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