Elected Officials Encouraging Voters to Turn Out for Runoff

A razor-thin margin separated voting results on June 15 for two Republicans vying for the House District 156 seat, and local officials who are concerned about Toombs County’s low participation in that race are urging citizens to get out and vote in the Tuesday, July 13 runoff.
In June 15 balloting, Internet Marketing Executive Leesa Hagan of continued from page
Vidalia finished first with 43.07% of the districtwide vote while Baxley businessman Wally Sapp was close behind with 42.30%. The lone Democratic contender Wright Gres of Appling County amassed 14.63% of the total vote. Since no candidate reached 50% of the vote, Hagan and Sapp will face off in the July 13 runoff.
Turnout in Toombs County lagged far behind other parts of the District, which is why elected officials from around the county are encouraging everyone to vote. Appling County had the largest percentage of voters with over 19.07% voting. Montgomery County was next with over 16.22% turning out, and Jeff Davis and Toombs counties essentially tied for voter participation, with 11.28% and 11.92% respectively.
“We need to make our voice heard in this election. As the largest county in this District, we should have a say about who our state representative is going to be. We lose our voice if we don’t vote,” said Toombs County Commissioner Wendell Dixon.
Vidalia City Council member Jennifer Evans noted, “It is vital for our community to have strong, effective leadership in Atlanta. We need everyone to come out and vote for our next state representative!”