Donations Give MCRD New Scoreboards
The Montgomery County Board of Commissioners and Montgomery County Recreation Department are excited to announce the purchase and installation of three brand new scoreboards at the recreation field. The boards were manufactured by the Electro-Mech Scoreboard Company of Wrightsville, GA. They were installed on all the baseball fields located in the JM Fountain Park in Mount Vernon. The installation of these boards was completed Thursday, June 24, by ColorWheel Signs of Sandersville, GA.
These new scoreboards feature the latest technology including an 8'x 6' scorekeeping panel with a 5'x 6' advertising ID panel. The scoreboard characters are illuminated with red LED lighting, and they are operated with a wireless control console. In addition, the scoreboards have a timeclock that will allow for the baseball fields to be used for timed sports such as football and soccer.
These new scoreboards were made possible through the support and donations from members of the community. The project budget totaled $21,334. The scoreboards cost $5,228 per board with installation costing $5,650. Through a successful fundraising campaign effort, the scoreboards were purchased and installed on Fields 1, 2 and 3. Members of the community gathered at the JM Fountain Park on Tuesday, June 29, and Wednesday, June 30, to present their donations to the Montgomery County Recreation Department.
The Altamaha EMC Foundation and the Holland-Underwood Foundation provided grant funds to purchase scoreboards for Fields 1 and 2. Alvin Baker, representing the Altamaha EMC Foundation, presented the Recreation Department with a check for $5,000. Anne Roller, representing the Holland Underwood Foundation, presented the Recreation Department with a check for $5,000 as well.
The scoreboard on Field 3 was made possible with donations from Dr. Ronnie Smith and Judge Gary P. Braddy. Dr. Smith and Judge Braddy each presented the Recreation Department with a check for $2,500. Their donations, totaling $5,000, provided the funding to purchase the scoreboard for Field 3.
Additional funds were given to complete the purchase and installation of the scoreboards. Local banks entered into an exclusive five-year scoreboard advertising agreements that provided additional funding to complete the installation. Connor Thigpen, representing Mount Vernon Bank, presented the Recreation Department with a check for $4,800 securing the advertising rights for Fields 2 and 3. Altamaha Bank & Trust purchased the advertising rights for Field 1. Altamaha Bank & Trust President Brent Sammons presented the Recreation Department with a check for $2,400. The City of Mount Vernon agreed to supplement the project to ensure completion. Mayor Joey Fountain, representing the City of Mount Vernon, presented the Recreation Department with a check for $2,500.
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Recreation Director Kendall Bennamon attended the ceremonies to receive the funds on behalf of the Montgomery County Recreation Department. Recreation Director Bennamon stated, “We are humbled by the generous donations from these establishments and the investment made in our children. These new scoreboards have made an immediate impact on the aesthetics of each ball field.” Chairman Leland Adams along with Commissioners Chad Kenney and Ginger Morris attended the ceremonies on behalf of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners. Chairman Leland Adams said, “We are thankful for the grant funds, advertisement sales and donations from these organizations and members of our community. We believe we all can agree that this is an investment in our kids and community. We extend our appreciation to all that made this possible and we are excited for our kids.”
Both Kenney and Morris agreed with Chairman Adams and added, “The new scoreboards, new paint on all the buildings, including the pavilion, has given the recreation department a new look and feel that our community can be proud of and will enjoy using as we move into fall sports.”
The Montgomery County Board of Commissioners is grateful for the support of their community as they invest in their children’s future.