continued from page board meetings, ….
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board meetings, our Justice Department labeled them domestic terrorists and dispatched the FBI to spy on them. When the Attorney General was called on the carpet, he denied his own memorandum.
We see all of this.
We hear the nightly scoldings. We see the dismissive arrogance of the elites. Dr. Fauci proclaims that he is the science and the science is him. Anyone who disagrees is a knuckledragging Neanderthal.
The shabby attempts by this White House to smear Senator Manchin, calling him a liar, are but the latest example of their petty dishonesty.
It’s not just that they lie to us. It’s not just that there are no consequences for their actions, it’s that they insult us and our intelligence. They treat us like children or fools. Or both.
So Middle America found its voice through an expression that fits the mood.
The Let’s go Brandon phenomenon is really the manifestation of all these feelings now boiling in the body politic. Just as a volcano trembles before erupting, Let’s go Brandon is a warning. How many Congressional Democrats will be thrown into this molten lava next November remains to be seen.
But the Brandon movement isn’t going away anytime soon.
Gil Gutknecht served six terms in the U.S. House from Minnesota.
Sorry, Canada – we don’t want you
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