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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

To Trudeau: If You're Going to Be a Smarta**, First You Have to Be Smart.

Sen. John Kennedy, R., Louisiana Steve Grammatico, author and blogger: Joe Biden, the great peacemaker!

What does Biden get if Russia announces a troop pullback and really follows through? Tensions ease. Hosannas from all quarters flow to Biden the peacemaker, the master negotiator (though details of the 'understanding' would not be made public). In America, euphoria following Russia's drawdown would obliterate inflation as the big story, replaced by the narrative of nuclear Armageddon avoided because of the cool and focused man in the Oval Office. COVID missteps? Old news. And who would dare question the cognitive state of the president who tamed the Russian bear?

In a flash, midterms suddenly seem salvageable for Democrats, with Biden traipsing around the country playing the role of master diplomat. Republican prospects in November dimmed by Biden's 'genius'? Wouldn't surprise me if both Putin and Biden saw this possibility as a desirable outcome. Collusion?

Andrea Widburg, writer for American Thinker: Trudeau’s tactics mark the second time Democrats inspired a dictator.

Here in America, even Bill Maher saw how Hitleresque Trudeau was when he said that the unvaccinated “take up space and, with that, we have to make a choice — in terms of a leader in a country — do we tolerate these people?”

Mike Berry, a former Judge Advocate in the U.S. Marines, serves as Director of Military Affairs for First Liberty Institute: The military vaccine mandate's unforeseen costs.

Today, America still has an all-volunteer force. Indeed, young patriots continue to be the lifeblood of our military. Many cite their religious belief as the primary motivation for joining. But if our nation’s leaders continue to prioritize politics above all else and fulfill their promise to kick out service members because of their beliefs, we run the serious risk of losing that lifeblood. The message from the Pentagon is clear: if you do not get the vaccine, you are unworthy to serve. The purge that is now underway will hollow out the military, leaving those who were forced to be vaccinated questioning their leaders, and making military service far less attractive to America’s sons and daughters.

Greg Gutfeld, host of Gutfeld! and co-host of The Five: Durham's investigation is no longer about Trump, so media won't care.

Roughly three out of four of those polled said they think it's important that prosecutors investigate Clinton for her role in Russiagate. That includes 66% of Dems.

So you think the media who cater to Democrats like they're royalty would embrace this story since so many Democrats want to know more.

But they can't because it calls into question the last six years of their bogus bulls—.

It exposes their corruption. It turns out to Trump, Russian collusion story was just a deflection from the Hillary Russian collusion story.

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