continued from page Sheriff’s Office ….
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Sheriff’s Office the same way.”
Commissioners agreed with Parker’s advice and encouraged the company to proceed with the project.
“State of the County” Address
During the work session, Montgomery County Development Authority Director Joe Filippone addressed the Commission with what he described as a “State of the County” speech regarding economic development.
Filippone said the Great Wall Chinese Restaurant located on Highway 280 between Friendly Gus and Dollar General in Mount Vernon had closed permanently. He shared he is actively working to find another restaurant to fill this space. Commissioners and Filippone also discussed the need for the creation of a gravel road to create access to and revitalize the County’s abandoned industrial park in Ailey. No decision or details were made regarding the road, and it is expected the discussion will continue throughout further meetings.
Other Business
Also, during the work session, the Commission approved an agreement with Air Med Care Network to provide all nonelected employees with a membership, which protects them from financial burden if airlifted during an emergency. This decision comes after the Commission learned that Sheriff Doug Maybin provides this service for his deputies at an annual cost of $65 per person. The County will provide this service as part of healthcare benefits to 30 employees, totaling a $1,950 investment. The service protects the employees and their families.
Road and Public Works Departments Director Milton Fountain informed Commissioners of the hiring of three employees to help tackle a large workload. The Commission also approved the purchase of a John Deere Tractor for $78,300, which will be funded through the Capital Projects Fund. Recreation Department Director Kendall Bennamon, who was unable to attend the February 10 work session or February 14 meeting, sent a message to the Commission expressing gratitude to Courtney Anderson Joiner and her law firm for donating participation costs for 15 underprivileged children to be able to take part in Recreation Department baseball and softball programs. Bennamon also expressed his excitement that families are crossing county lines to take part in the activities of the Montgomery County Recreation Department.
Commissioners closed out the work session with comments on Broadband, which is well underway throughout the County. The Commission plans to request an update on progress and a plan from Altamaha EMC so they can inform constituents on when they can expect to receive the Internet services.