Lyons City Council Approves Proactive Ordinance Amendment
The Lyons City Council, at its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 2, voted to amend the City’s ordinance chapter dealing with public nuisances to proactively handle any future issues.
The Council inserted a section into the ordinance chapter that will give law enforcement officers tools to combat urban camping. This new addition prohibits storing personal property under any bridge, public street or sidewalk, railroad right of way, green space or park owned by the City. It will also prohibit a person from camping, sleeping, storing personal property, or sitting or lying down on any public property or private property so as to interfere with the ingress or egress from buildings.
City Manager Jason Hall explained that urban camping is not currently an issue, but the Council decided to be proactive and establish strategies to combat this type of issue if it were to arise.
Sale of Alcohol
An ordinance chapter dealing with the sale of alcohol by the drink was also amended, as the Council added an option for businesses that can show that no more than 50% percent or 51% (depending upon the type of license applicants choose to obtain) of their revenue is derived from the sale of alcohol in obtaining an alcohol license. This will allow businesses such as coffee shops, tap houses, and other non-restaurant businesses to locate in Lyons, which the Council said will help promote downtown and open up new opportunities for businesses.
Property Purchase
A piece of property adjacent to Partin Park was approved to be purchased from Rushing T. Stephens for $60,000. This property, which is located along U.S. Highway 1, will be used for the future expansion of the Calloway Community Center, creating additional parking and an entrance to the facility from the roadway.
Budget Amendments
Two amendments were approved to be made to the Capital budget to fund the emergency repair of the downtown water well and to update the pavilion at Partin Park. The water well repair, which was an unforeseen necessity, will cost $28,876, and was amended through the emergency provision of the charter. The pavilion update will add a small concession stand and two ADA-approved bathrooms, as well as the removal of a dilapidated set of bathrooms for $17,000. The amendment was made through the standard provision of the charter.
Other Action Items
Mayor Willis Ne-Smith, Jr. was authorized by the Council to sign a standard preliminary engineering agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation so that the organization may begin to move forward with the planning of the U.S. Highway 1 bypass.
Council members approved the organizers of the annual Juneteenth Festival to provide the City with banners to promote the festival. These banners will be placed around the city limits to inform the public of the event.
Several employees of the City were recognized for their “workaversary,” or the anniversary which they began their jobs. These employees included: Public Works Treatment Plant Employee Alan Edenfield – 8 years; Customer Service Representative/ Administrative Assistant Adela Santiago – 7 years; Lyons Police Department Administrative Assistant Luna Alejos – 5 years; Sanitation Department Employee Robert Bryant – 2 years; Lyons Police Department Sergeant James “Chris” Morrison – 2 years; Lyons Police Officer Brian Mosley – 2 years; and Community Liaison/PR Alysa Marsicano – 1 year.
Drayton Willis of the Lyons Boy Scout Troop 939 spoke with the Council on his intent to complete his Eagle Scout project at Partin Park.
PATRIOTIC ART WINNERS — Local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Auxiliary President Debra Pressler (center) presented awards to Luke Mitchell (left) and Johnathan Levi Worth (right) on Monday, May 1, for their placement in the Auxiliary’s Young American Creative Patriotic Art contest. Worth took home the second place prize, while Mitchell earned first place locally. His art will now be judged at the district level.