Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“Biden should be totally ashamed the way that he is treating the veterans and children, throwing them out so they can house the illegals. It is wrong, and you people who are voting democratic, that’s what you’re voting for, and this country is going to be a communist country. Open your ears. This man is a traitor.”
“Well, I think they have finally reached their limit when they start displacing veterans with illegal migrants. We Americans need to stand up and take notice. Veterans have fought for our freedom and the migrants have not. We should let people know in Washington how we feel.”
“To the person talking about the speed limit on 292 being 55 mph, Georgia does not have a minimum speed. You can drive 20 mph if you pull over and not let traffic back up.”
“Everybody is so proud that we finally got some new board members at Altamaha Electric.”
“Republicans are literally laughing off the idea of taxing the rich to fix the budget.”
“With all the water leaks, the golf course, and all the unrecorded code violations in the city, plus the private enterprise competition in the city, the upcoming cycle of elections should be very interesting.”
“It is very apparent that we have a severe mental health issue in this country. Politicians need to put some serious thought and action into the mental health situation. Our politicians need to pay attention to the mental health in America.”
“What kind of miracle will it take to get Shoney’s to fix the pot holes in their parking lot? They make money hand over fist and it doesn’t take much to fix the pot holes.”
“This is a salute to Chick-fil-A in Vidalia. Thanks for making your sweet tea stronger. It tastes a lot better.”
“ I’m tired of seeing all this racial stuff going on. The color of your skin does not determine your character, who you are, how you respond. Your character is determined by you. People should wake up and realize that.”
“I want to thank whoever was responsible for cleaning up the homeless encampment mess across from the Boys & Girls Club. It looks so much better, and the residents of that area can finally breathe a sigh of relief.”
“Regarding the Letter to the Editor in last’s week’s paper, what a nice compliment to the local newspaper! I also enjoy reading the editorial pages, especially Amber Nagle, Joe Phillips, Dick Yarbrough, and the others.
The Advance is definitely excellent. Keep it up.”