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Wheeler BOE Adopts Tentative Budget for New Fiscal Year

The Wheeler County Board of Education, in its last regular session on June 12, adopted a tentative budget of $18.2 million for the June 2023-June 2024 fiscal year.

The proposed budget, which calculates expenditures of $16.6 million, will be adopted at the Board’s next regular meeting on Monday, July 10, at 6:30 p.m. Public hearings on the proposed budget were slated for Tuesday, June 20, at 10 a.m., and on Tuesday, June 27, at 3 p.m. at the Board office in Alamo.

The bulk of the $18,240,000 budget is allocated to instructional expenses with $6,575,209 to be paid from the system’s general fund and $1,769,757 to be paid from special revenue. Included in the budget were $2,000 increases for teachers and other certified educational, supportive, and administrative staff, a 5.1% raise for all other employees, and an increase of $1,000 for local bus driver supplements.

The budget calculates that $2.2 million in revenues will come from local property taxes, and $7.6 million will be funded through QBE. The remainder of revenue will come from other local receipts, and federal and state resources.

The Board passed a temporary spending resolution to bridge the onemonth gap between the fiscal years, which occurs in July, not to exceed 1/12 of the final amended budget. Superintendent’s Report

School Superintendent Suzanne Couey reported that the hitting/ pitching practice facility under construction at the high school baseball field is nearing completion and will be ready for the new term.

Couey also discussed the $50,000 security grant included in the FY24 budget for every school in the state and noted that she and Facilities Director Gregory Wilcher will be meeting with companies to acquire quotes for additional fencing at the school and security film that will provide shatter resistant glass at the school. Couey plans to provide cost details for added security measures at the July meeting. She also referenced the Safer Georgia Schools Grant from the Georgia Department of Education for which the district recently submitted an application.



The Board approved the following new employees: Alicia Grimes, Central Office; Raymond Van Houten, middle school construction instructor; Savon Gorham and Loren Kimble as substitute custodians, and Amber Wommack as substitute bus driver pending a background check and the completion of position requirements.

Extended Day

The Board approved a recommendation for an extended day supplement for ESOL instructor Patricia Ford, who also assists with district-wide Title III and Migrant Services, required EL testing, and parent translation services. The extended day supplement will be funded by federal sources. Resignations/Retirements

The Board accepted the resignation of Vicky Hussey, as well as letters of retirement/resignation from Hal Ford, Pat Ethredge, Angie Smith, and Patricia Powell.

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