Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“I’m with the person on Van Rd. about the road machines not knowing how to do it. They need to not let the water get down in the ditch. I think Mr. Sykes needs to get out and look at the roads, especially Joe Collins Rd. That’s a mess. All the roads in North Toombs County are scraped like this.”
“Thanks for the repaving of GA Hwy. 130. Putting the groove cuts on the painted lines has realized another issue. People who live on 130 now know how many people do not stay in their lanes due to the washboard sound. It’s astounding how many people leave their lanes.”
“Bless those wonderful people’s hearts who were at the Royal Inn yesterday handing out lifesaving Narcan. Thank you for seeing every individual as a human being.”
“How shameful and
embarrassing. The Vidalia Indian varsity football team like to have let Pinewood beat them. They only won it in the last few seconds of the game. Y’all in bad shape.”
“I just heard a man say the more they indict President Trump, the more the people unite. So, the more they indict, the more we unite. Can’t beat that man.”
“The resurfacing of Hwy. 280 in Vidalia, the contractor, McLendon, is doing a fantastic job. I come and go early in the morning and late in the afternoon and it’s always a pleasant surprise to see the progress they have made. Way to go, McLendon.”
“If you like the truth about our history before the 1900’s, you should read the set of 1898 encyclopedias located in the Ladson Genealogical section of the Vidalia Library.”
“People are dumping trash on the side of the road on ??? Stephens Rd. in Vidalia. I wish someone would do something about it.”
“I was told today by the athletic director at Toombs County Middle School that some of the children can’t practice or play in the games because they are limited by how many points the team can score.”
“Come to the 4-Wheeler races on Julie Drive any weekend. Fast and noisy!!”
Yes to English as the official language
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