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that of a county school system, the entity has different guidelines when filling a vacated seat during an unexpired term. O’Connor stated that rather than holding a special election for the seat, the Board could appoint someone to complete the remainder of the term, as long as they were eligible for the seat based on their residence in each ward.
Chesser made a motion that Fred Godbee fill the vacant position, affirming that Godbee lived in Ward 4. Board member Brittney Black, who was sworn in at the meeting after replacing former Board member Bruce Asberry by defeating him in the November election, suggested that Gerriell Craig fill the position. She noted that he lived in the ward and had shown that he had interest in the position through his running for the at-large seat on the Board in the recent election. She mentioned a few others that she felt would be interested as well.
Chesser’s motion was voted on and passed on a 4-1 vote, with Black voting against the appointment. Godbee will be formally sworn in during the next regular monthly meeting.
In addition to these Board leadership changes, several personnel decisions were also approved. Resignations were accepted for Vidalia High School Teacher Bobby George, J.D. Dickerson Primary School paraprofessional Melissa Thomas, Federal Programs Director Tammy McFadden, and Vidalia High School math teacher Beth Smith. Russell Burkett was hired to return as the school system’s Plant Operations Director (49%).
The Vidalia High School Track Team was approved to travel to Birmingham, Alabama, on January 26-27 for a meet.
During the meeting, Superintendent Wilcox also informed the Board that security cameras had been installed in all of the district’s buses, and that the power bill was decreasing from its elevated cost throughout the past several months.