Your Mind ONLINE
Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“What you need to do is get you one of those Paul Thigpen or Woody Folsom drive out tags and put it in place of your regular tag. That way when that speed trap machine sees you go by, it will send the ticket to those dealerships…. they got plenty of money for speeding tickets. They the ones what sold you that overpriced pickup truck !”
“Thank you to the person who wrote me such a nice wonderful encouraging inspirational letter. It was exactly what I needed at the time. Keep up the good work no matter what your beliefs are.”
“I’m a parent of a child who attends J.D. Dickerson. I was appalled when I picked my child up today to see that JDD employees were wearing democratic influenced shirts. I’m wondering why this is allowed. I thought politically motivated attire was prohibited.”
“A big thank you to the Altamaha Electric Corporation for displaying the gigantic American flag at their annual meeting. It means a lot to patriots of the United States.”
“Tuesday night, election night, this community found out how much we miss Zack Fowler. The radio station had nothing to report on elections.”
“Between me and my son, we have already gotten 5 tickets. We know the speed and that’s what we go. We’ve lived here long enough to know the speed limit. I’ve started a new route, and I won’t travel that way again. It’s not just a trap, it’s a ripoff.”
“After reading the excitement about the tickets in the newspaper, we need a school out here on CV Mosely Blvd.”
“To those callers who were concerned about the “speed traps” in the school zones, here’s an idea. Why don’t you just obey the law and go the designated speed rather than ask the law-abiding tax payers to pick up the slack?”
“I read in The Advance where the city of Vidalia is running a speed trap at the schools. Mr. Bedingfield says that it is keeping the taxes down on the people in Vidalia. When the people from outside of Vidalia quit coming to Vidalia to spend their money, explain to the merchants what happened and why their taxes had to go up.”
“About the speed trap called a school safety zone, I’m wondering how many children were injured in school zone accidents before the cameras were put up and now, how many accidents involving children have been avoided. Remember the Ludiwicci speed traps in the ‘60s? Let’s see how long before the governor puts up billboards warning visitors to avoid traveling through Vidalia.”
“Would someone please tell me how to dispose of old medicine? I used to take it to the Sheriff’s office, but I’ve heard the disposal unit has been removed.”
“What is it with drivers entering Adams St. from Cedar Crossing- Vidalia Rd.? I travel that road several times a day and almost always someone pulls out in front of me when there is nobody behind me as far as the eye can see.”
“When we gonna spend some of that SPLOST money to get rid of the buzzards?”