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LRD 14u Boys 2nd At District

LRD 14u Boys 2nd At District
(L to R, Front): Cody Toler, Kevin Mulling, Grayson Nelms,Austin Quintero, Cullen Coursey; (Back): Coach Jesus Quintero, Coach Logan McGowan, Harrison Strickland, Grayson Fulmer, Jayce Pittman, Brody Hutcheson, Layton Youmans, Coach Jordan McFadden, and Coach Matt Fulmer.Photo by LRD
LRD 14u Boys 2nd At District
(L to R, Front): Cody Toler, Kevin Mulling, Grayson Nelms,Austin Quintero, Cullen Coursey; (Back): Coach Jesus Quintero, Coach Logan McGowan, Harrison Strickland, Grayson Fulmer, Jayce Pittman, Brody Hutcheson, Layton Youmans, Coach Jordan McFadden, and Coach Matt Fulmer.Photo by LRD

The Lyons Recreation Department's 14u Boys All-Stars finished in second place at the GRPA District 1 Tournament last week in Effinghman County. With the finish they will be moving on to the State Tournament that is being held this week.

LRD vs.


Lyons' first game of the tournament was against Thomson-McDuffie. Lyons managed to pull out the win as they took the game by the score of 8-5. That sent them into the semifinals of the winners' bracket to take on Emanuel County.

LRD vs. Emanuel County

Lyons played a solid game and took a one-run win over Emanuel. Lyons came out on top, 14-13, moving them into the Championship Game.

LRD vs. Emanuel County Championship Emanuel came back in the losers' bracket to force a rematch with Lyons. Emanuel had to defeat Lyons two times to win the title, and that is just what they did. Lyons struggled to get the bats going over the next two games, while Emanuel had no problems.

Lyons lost the first game, 8-4, forcing a second game. In the second game it was all Emanuel as they rolled to a 12-0 win over Lyons.

But with the second place finish Lyons will move on to the State Tournament. That is being held this week in Effingham County. Lyons played their first game on Tuesday after presstime against the District 5 champion. If they make it to the Championship Game, that will be on Friday at 10:00 a.m.

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