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are ready sooner. In August the kudzu vine blooms and kudzu jelly is made from those blooms. Elderberries should be ripe soon.

In September wild grapes will be ripe and ready to pick. Muscadines are various shades of dark and have richer flavor than the greenish golden colored grape we called scuppernongs or “bullises.”

Folks like free stuff, but they pass on the free wild berries. The dark sweet makings of a cobbler are growing in the wild and folks either don’t care, don’t know what they are, or can’t cook.

Some avoid blackberries because the seeds are tiny and can find hiding places in your mouth.

My grandmother wore dentures and strained the berries for the juice. It was wonderful and she didn’t buy commercial pectin. All her preserves were made with the natural pectin from crabapples.

We now have an abundance of peaches and I’m sure to find a box of them to can for later. But first some peach ice cream.

There is a lot of natural food out there that is free.

Don’t forget your kerosene.

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