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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform: All the reasons why Trump's tax-free tips plan is brilliant.

Biden and the Democrats try to pretend their tax increases will be paid by 'someone else.' They try to tell you they’re only taxing wealthy corporations. But in reality the corporate income tax is a direct hit on the middle class: The tax is paid by consumers in higher prices and workers in lower wages.

The corporate tax also hits retirees as it damages the value of their nest egg: their pension, 401(k) or IRA.

Trump will cut everyone’s taxes, and his call to eliminate the tip tax allows workers who are showing up in person to keep more of their own money and reward their hard work.

Brooke Leslie Rollins, president and CEO of the America First Policy Institute: Our foolishly liberal media saw Biden's decline. Now they've been exposed.

Now the media is angry — you have read a lot of this too — and their anger is putatively directed toward the Biden team that misled them. But it’s really anger over having been exposed. When Americans learned who the president is, they learned who the press is too, and it reflects poorly on both parties. There was a bargain at play, and the side that failed to uphold it — in this case by failing to exhibit the most-basic level of public competence — is detested by the one left holding the bag Greg Gutfeld, host of Gutfeld! and cohost of The Five : Biden is like 'the mad King, a senile dude' who can barely hold on to the presidency.

All of this is insane. You know, they told you that if you didn't vote for Joe, the White House would be occupied by a power-hungry tyrant who refuses to leave office even when everyone knows he's unfit and that a convicted felon would be running the country. Guess they were right.

Sarah Arnold, columnist for Townhall. com: It's past Joe Biden's bedtime.

A recent national poll found that just 29 percent of likely voters believe the 81-yearold president has the mental acuity and stamina to serve in office, compared to the 61 percent who said he does not. …

Now back to Biden being too tired to make it past 8 p.m.

The New York Post pointed out concerns about having a president who goes to bed at the same time a two-year-old child would.

If some type of national or international crisis were to develop at 9 or 10 p.m., would Biden be unable to deal with it? Facing a threat of nuclear confrontation with China, Russia, Iran, or North Korea, how could our country deal with them if our commander-in chief was counting sheep? Via the NYP.

Being the POTUS is a 24-hour, seven-daysa- week job. That’s not an option.

Biden treats his job in the White House as a cushiony 9 to 5, taking advantage of PTO who has spent over 40 percent of his presidency on vacation.

The United States will fall so long as Biden is in office.

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