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Meadows Hospital Slates “Growing Up Confidently” Class for Young Females

Meadows Hospital Slates “Growing Up Confidently”  Class for Young Females
Angel Gilreath
Meadows Hospital Slates “Growing Up Confidently”  Class for Young Females
Angel Gilreath

Memorial Health Meadows Hospital is hosting a "Growing Up Confidently" class to educate and empower young females. "In this class, we want to encourage posi – tive relationships and open conversations between parents and children as well as their peers," said Angel Gil – reath, a certified nurse midwife who will lead a presentation to teach anatomy and physiol –

ogy to help girls un – derstand their body and how it works.

The class is intend – ed for young females, primary ages 8-13, and will focus on enabling girls to grow up with the knowledge of their own body function, in addi – tion to working through their own emotions. "We see the importance of investing in women's health at a younger age and want to encourage positive relationships for these girls and their parents and peers," Gil –

reath explained.

The class is sched – uled at the hospital on Saturday, June 22, 10 a.m. until noon. To reg ister, call 912-584-240, or go to: MemorialHealth GrowingUpConfident – ly. The class is free and pre-registered attend ees will receive a free boxed lunch.

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