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Gardens of Hope RCO Hosts Balloon Fundraiser

The local Gardens of Hope Recovery Community Organization (RCO) is currently selling black balloons to businesses, organizations, and individuals in honor of International Overdose Awareness Day, which is slated for August 31.

All proceeds and donations for the cause will go toward recovery outreach events for families in Toombs County, as organizations – such as Gardens of Hope RCO, Toombs Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery, Forge Men’s Recovery Center, and more – work together to support addiction recovery in this area.

Each balloon is $25 and will be hand delivered to the businesses or homes for which balloons were purchased on August 30. Participants in the fundraiser are encouraged to display the balloons in observance of International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31.

For more information, or to purchase a balloon, call (912) 805-2058.

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