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Wheeler Board of Education Beginning Interviews of Superintendent Candidates

On August 13, the Wheeler County Board of Education began reviewing applications and planning the interview process for the Superintendent’s position.

The position was left vacant with the resignation of Suzanne Couey in June. Ms. Couey has since assumed the position of Director of Human Resources, Technology and Accountability for the system. Dr. Quent Floyd, principal of Wheeler County Elementary School, will continue to serve as Interim Superintendent until the post is filled, hopefully by November 1.

King-Cooper and Associates, a superintendent search firm, was hired in June to serve as consultants for the search. The position was advertised with an application deadline of July 12, and information about the search has been available on the school system website. The Board also conducted an online survey that was completed by community members and school district staff.

Interviews will begin late this month and continue for several weeks. After a first round of interviews, the Board will select a small number of candidates for a second round of interviews.

The Board received 23 applicants for the position, but one applicant has since withdrawn from consideration. Of these applicants, 16 have a doctorate and all but one met the requirement of having a minimum of the six-year leadership certificate or its equivalent. One of the applicants is a current superintendent and one is a retired superintendent. Also in the search are eight assistant superintendents or system directors, and nine principals. Of the applicants 23 are from Georgia, and there is one each from Maryland and Virginia.

'We are very pleased and look forward to continuing the process. The Board is committed to selecting another excellent leader for our school system,' said Michael “Sandy” Morrison, Board Chair.

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