continued from page dent won ….
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dent won plaudits from his own side — this is what they want to hear and enjoy hearing.
It has all added up to a constant, deliberate attempt to keep the fear and hatred of Trump at a fever pitch and portray the fight against him as literally existential. Who knows what, if any, effect this had on Trump’s attempted assassin, who remains a blank slate.
Certainly, though, if the idea that Trump is just months away from overthrowing the Constitution and establishing a fascist regime in America is taken seriously and literally, it would justify any means of resistance. Regardless, after the horror of Butler, Pennsylvania, even Democrats say things have gotten too vitriolic. They’ll just never admit their own responsibility.
Maybe Democrats could say they disagree with Trump’s policies and hate what he did after the 2020 election without invoking Hitler, fascism or any number of other bogeymen that are false and inflammatory. If so, there’s a first time for everything.
Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review.
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