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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Matt Vespa, Senior Editor at Townhall. com: ‘Strange,’ Messy,’ ‘Fiasco’: The words Biden’s people used to describe Kamala Harris.

Democrats should push for Harris to debate Trump sooner so she could get her clock cleaned and the party can return to their hopeless, depressed selves regarding this election. Her record, trip-ups, and failures are too many to cover and spin away. She’s the definition of unqualified, and no Democrat has ever voted for her in a primary. She’s quintessentially undemocratic.

David Marcus, columnist and author: What Trump and an LA dive bar share is what Kamala Harris desperately needs. Their supporters see what they want to see, but Harris has to convince fence-sitters that she is genuine.

Between now and the end of the Democratic National Convention, both sides will eagerly try to paint Harris in the mindseye of persuadable voters, and for these voters commitment to the good of the party will not be enough for her. They need to see the real Kamala Harris stand up, and need to believe that it is the same Kamala Harris that would preside in the Oval Office next year.

Hugh Hewitt, host of 'The Hugh Hewitt Show': Morning Glory: Defining competence down.

Trump has the record and the confidence of his party and most independents. Harris has a much higher mountain to climb when it comes to credibility. On everything. With everyone. If she can’t knock out an interview a week beginning after the convention, the game will be over before it is begun.

'Weak. Failed. Dangerously liberal.' Add in 'San Francisco Democrat' and it’s all that Donald Trump and J.D. Vance need.

Michaelah Montgomery, Fulton County Coordinator for America First Works and Founder of Conserve the Culture: Black mothers like me must vote on the economy in 2024.

Black mothers are the backbone of our culture. We see the prices at the grocery store and gas station and know how expensive childcare is. We see the decline in education as we raise our children. We see how violence has impacted our neighborhoods and compromised our safety. Our community needs us to step up and vote for a better America.

The Left will tell you to vote on social issues, false claims of a 'New Jim Crow,' and wars abroad that have nothing to do with American households. The truth is that stopping and reversing the damage done by America Last economics is the only way to get our communities and country back on track.

Black Americans deserve an economy that allows us to thrive. Only one choice at the top of the ticket will deliver that to us this year.

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