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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Stephen Moore, Fox News contributor and author: Hey Kamala, where qre your spending cuts?

Now we are hearing from Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street analysts that Harris will be better for reducing debt than Trump. They seem to agree that a $4.6 trillion tax increase on business and investors is just what the doctor ordered.

Have they told their clients that? Give Harris credit. She isn't disguising her master plan: the biggest tax and spend binge in American history. I just hope voters are paying attention..

Dennis Prager, radio talk show host: You hate Trump? So what?

We know how bad things will get because we know what the Biden-Harris administration has already done to the country. Because we know what Harris and her fellow California Democrats have done to California. And because we know what Gov. Tim Walz has done to Minnesota.

To vote for the Democrats because one hates Trump is not merely childish. When how one feels about Donald Trump is more important than the future of the country, we are dealing with something far more serious than childishness.

We are dealing with destructive narcissism.

Liz Peek, Fox News contributor: The biggest loser in the Trump-Harris debate.

Trump did manage to make some good points, noting, for instance, that despite criticism over his tariff policy, the Biden-Harris White House had left intact his fees on imports from China, because they were effective. He also pushed back on the jobs supposedly 'created' by the current White House, calling them 'bounce-back' jobs. He’s right.

His most effective moment of the evening was asking, in his concluding statement, why she hadn’t moved forward with her 'opportunity economy' and her other plans during the past three and a half years? Why hadn’t she fixed the border or created more jobs?

Matt Vespa, Senior Editor at Townhall. com: MSNBC host says the quiet part out loud about the ABC News debate.

They live-fact-checked Trump five times to Harris’ zero. The microphones were not muted; they made sure to sneak in ridiculous questions, like asking about Kamala Harris’ race. It was election interference, and when MSNBC hosts and Bill Kristol are saying ABC News’ moderators are doing a good job, you know it’s trash. From the war in Ukraine, which happened under Biden-Harris, to the spike in crime, ABC News was hell on wheels to fact-check the former president, even bizarrely getting whether Trump was being sarcastic or not. When even Trump-skeptic writers from right-leaning publications are noticing that this set-up is rigged, you know it’s bad. Megyn Kelly suggested that this would backfire.

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