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All Debris to Be Placed By Road By Jan. 19 in MoCo

Montgomery County County Manager Heather Scott has announced that the deadline for construction debris to be placed by the road is Sunday, January 19.

At the end of December, the Army Corps of Engineers reported to Scott that the debris pick-up teams had successfully removed and disposed of almost half of the county’s total vegetative debris, such as trees and limbs. This progress puts the Corps on track to finish the debris removal by mid-February.

In preparation for this completion, the group has asked that any remaining vegetative debris within the county be placed by the right-of-way no later than Sunday, January 12.

After this vegetative debris is removed, the group will begin to remove construction debris, such as destroyed pieces of buildings, fences, and other things. This type of debris should be placed by the right-ofway no later than Sunday, January 19.

For more information on the debris removal, please call the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners at (912) 583-2363.

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