Toombs County Debris Removal Deadline Set
Toombs County, the City of Vidalia, and the City of Lyons have all announced that the final deadline for all debris to be placed by the rightof- way has been set for March 15.
Looks Great Services has picked up over 2.5 million cubic yards of debris since first beginning to work in the area last September, and is currently picking up vegetative debris (vines, plants, trees, etc.), stumps, and non-vegetative debris (construction and demolition materials); these debris items should be placed by the right-of-way and separated into piles (vegetative, non-vegetative, stumps) by March 15 for the company’s final pass in the county. Though the official deadline for the placement of this debris is March 15, citizens are encouraged to put debris to the right-of-way as soon as possible to help this last bit of debris to be picked up as efficiently as possible.
Debris should not block the road, as incidents have occurred within the county where limbs protruding into the road have damaged vehicles. Debris workers can reach up to 15 feet away from the roadways to pick up piles.
Local leaders said that there is a still a lot of work to do in the County, but the completion of this removal is one more step towards normalcy in the area.