Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“Georgia and North Carolina are now considered in cahoots with California and have joined the blue states as a California-led state which “will have more riots, greater class conflict, more tension due to unregulated immigrations and greater psychological dysfunction due to their rejection of Christianity and the nuclear family.” Atlanta is already the new Hollywood in movie-making and now we have 3 Georgia congressmen introducing a bill for casino gambling in rural areas. BEWARE, GEORGIANS, WE ARE ABOUT TO LOSE OUR STATE ALTOGETHER.”
“They are going to pave the dirt roads at Gray’s Landing, I sure hope they are going to pave Gray’s Landing Rd. as well. It’s beyond ridiculous.”
“WVOP has taken off Rush Limbaugh and replaced him with a never-Trumper. We need to boycott them and boycott anybody that advertises with them.”
“Not everyone in the democratic party is a sheep. Some of us are sheep owners.”
“They took Rush Limbaugh off of talk radio here in Vidalia. I do not like that and I think a lot of other people don’t like it. I know it was a decision of the owner who lives in Atlanta. Maybe he has Atlanta values, but we have Vidalia values and want Rush Limbaugh put back on. Please hear this, sir, and do that.”
“The roadways in Montgomery County look like one big landfill. The commissioners need to do something to get this trash picked up. It looks terrible.”
“Good word to Frank Smith, who bought the old Board of Education building. Frank is flying a giant USA American flag in front of his office. Frank’s done a good thing for the community. Go by and look at Frank’s flag.”
“I see where Biden wants to get rid of all carbon based products, cars, homes, businesses, etc., and put everything on an electrical grid. That means we need bigger and more power plants. But how are we going to power them if we get rid of nuclear and coal power plants? Do you really believe that a bunch of windmills are going to power the whole United States?”
“The democrats now think that the US military can make them look good by protecting them from We the People. At the same time they want to take funding from the military, including their pay, and send it to the deadbeats on social programs.”
“I called the COVID- 19 vaccine
phone number that was listed in the paper 4 or 5 times and no one has called back. However, I called the VA in Dublin and got an appointment for February. How come the VA can do something so fast and you can’t seem to get a shot down here?”
“Dear Republicans, these impeachment proceedings are nobody’s fault but yours. We would not have to do these things if you would vote like you’re told to.”
“While everybody’s complaining about the trash on the side of the road, let’s look behind the courthouse at the DOT property and have the state come and clean up their cluster off the side of the highway.”
“When is something going to be done about 18 wheelers using Montgomery St., Donovan St., 4th St., and 6th St. as a through route?”